TUTORIAL: Using the PowerTech Vent & The Micro Battery Charger
- The combination of these
three devices creates an amazing freedom for the user!
- Classroom Senario:
Using the PowerTech Vent in combination with the 24 Volt Micro
Battery Charger.
- Mike is a very active
college student that uses a ventilator and attends a local community
college. While Mike is in the classroom, listening to lectures,
he has his friend plug him into a nearby 110 volt wall outlet.
The time spent sitting in class listening to his professor does
not drain his wheelchair batteries or vent battery. In fact,
he is using this valuable time to charge and maintain his wheelchair
& vent batteries! Although the PowerTech Vent Power Center
has the ability to get Mike through a whole day at class, why
waste the opportunity to charge? Using the PowerTech Vent Power
Center along with the 24Volt MicroBattery Charger dramatically
extends Mike's battery life. This combination of products were
designed for extremely active people who demand the longest possible
battery life to accomodate their active lifestyle.
- Why should I consider
purchasing a Micro Battery Charger to use with my PowerTech Vent
Power Center?
- This option is offered
for the very active ventilator patient who want maxium battery
life from thier wheelchair batteries on a daily basis. This special
arrangement of the Micro Battery Charger and the PowerTech Vent
Power Center gives the user the ability to actively charge thier
wheelchair and ventilator batteries directly from an AC wall
outlet. The 24Volt MicroBattery Charger actually helps take care
of your wheelchairs batteries. The Micro Battery charger has
a standard 110volt line cord which can be plugged directly into
any standard wall outlet. The 24Volt output of the Micro Battery
Charger is fed into the wheelchairs battery charging jack. The
incoming 24Volts coming from the Micro Battery charger charges
the wheelchair's batteries and simultaneously charges the ventilator's
batteries through the PowerTech Vent Power Center!
- Why use the Micro Battery
Charger if the PowerTech Vent Power Center can provide 8-10 hours
battery life?
- The answer is a simple
one, dramatically longer battery life! See
Current Curves Data
- What does it mean to
"Maintain" batteries by charging?
- Believe it or not, the 24 Volt Micro Battery
Charger is actaully good for your wheelchair and ventilator batteries.
The onboard microprocessor knows exactly how much to feed the
batteries during a charge cycle. Keeping your batteries charged
properly will extend the overall life of all your batteries!